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Wednesday 28 September 2016

Peer Assessment

Why do we do peer assessments?

We peer assess each others work which involves giving constructive criticism in order to help each other improve. By giving an opinion about a peer's work, you can identify any problems you thought you saw, and give them a review from a different persons perspective as people see things differently.
The peer assessment can help the individual being assessed to improve and try new things, suggested by a peer.

Today I peer assessed Curtis's Silent Film: "The Thief"

It is a very funny short film which contains some great use of slapstick comedy, a common convention of silent films. Some points I identified to improve on were the titles, as the font used isn't that old looking and as it is the first thing the viewer sees, it needs to set the tone of the film. Another point is that there is a moment at around 10 seconds in where the shot changes to a close up which is at an angle. This doesn't follow the style of silent film as all shots were medium/long and completely flat. Lastly, there are no text frames to show dialogue, which can help to put across the story better.

Overall, I thought this was a brilliant attempt at a silent film, following most of the codes and conventions commonly seen in old pieces. It had good acting and slapstick comedy, a fitting soundtrack and was of course in black and white.

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