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Wednesday 21 September 2016

Making A Silent Film

For this project I was given the task of making a silent film in the style of Charlie Chaplin. Before I started filming me and my team looked at some silent films to identify the common codes and conventions. Some that we listed were:
-Static camera (no movement)
-Medium/Long Shots
-Black and white video
-No dialogue/sound
-Grain, flicker and no point of focus
-Exaggerated movements to make up for the lack of dialogue

After taking note of all of these, we went on to shoot our own silent film, considering the features as we went.

Here is the finished product:


Reflecting on this short video, we could have taken some more consideration into some of the shots used, maybe doing more takes per shot. We could have also planned a story with more depth, so that the video could've ended up being a little longer. On the other hand, I think the editing went really well as I was familiar with Adobe Premiere, so the finish product looked really effective and had the certain look I was going for. 

In future projects I'm going to allocate more time into planning the video so it can have a more entertaining and gripping story and convey the characters to the audience more effectively.

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