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Monday 27 March 2017

FMP - Research Proposal

For the research section of my FMP I plan to carry out my research in two sections; Primary and Secondary. I have identified a range of areas and sources which I will use for research which are:

Survey (on magazine and advertisement) - This will help me get an idea of peoples preferred specifics relating to what's in a magazine and what's in an advert.

Reading similar magazines to mine and taking notes (Dazed & Confused, iD, Thrasher, grey, Free Skateboard Magazine) - I will read through these magazines looking for inspiration and conventions of the magazines which I can relate to mine. I will scan in parts of these magazines to show them in my blog.

Watching videos a similar style to my advert - Similar to looking at magazines, this will help me get inspiration and find film or editing techniques which I can incorporate into my project

Looking at magazine specifics - I will order samples of magazines with different bindings/papers so I can see what each one is like and decide on a paper weight, paper finish, and binding for my magazine.

Look online to find information on design (colours and their connotations, type layout, photo editing techniques)

With this research I hope to get a clear understanding of how my final product will come out and knowledge to help me produce it to a high standard.


For my FMP I plan to learn and gain new experience in photography, film and design, which will involve some experimentation. Due to this, I created a spreadsheet to help me carry out experimentation during my FMP. It contains a column to list what I'm experimenting with, an overview of what I did, if it's usable and a conclusion.

This is just a template so far, as I hope to think of more things to experiment with
as I go on with my FMP. The image shows how I intend to fill out this document.
During the pre-production of my FMP I plan to experiment with:
-Camera settings (ISO & Aperture)
To experiment with these things I will take test shoots where the environment stays the same to identify how changing these affects the overall look of an image. From looking into these I can build my knowledge on camera settings and decide how I want specific images & videos look for my magazine and video advertisement.
-Different types of camera (DSLR, Film, DV Cam)
I will take test shoots with these to identify how the raw videos and pictures look on each of them. This will help me decide what styles I can incorporate into my magazine and advert.
-Design techniques (Colours, Type, Layout)
For this I will research complimentary colours and if certain colours look nice together or not & different styles of type and font. I will document my findings in a photoshop document. I will also look into photo and text layout to help me set out each page of my magazine. 
-Camera lenses (50mm, Fisheye)
I will take images using different lenses to compare and contrast how each of them look. This enables me to get an idea of which lens I should use at what time and what styles they portray.

For each of these experiments I will blog throughout to show what I'm doing and to document my findings. I will also fill in the spreadsheet I created to help the process go a lot more smoothly.

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