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Monday 5 December 2016

Characterisation - Nerve

Protagonist - Vee (Emma Roberts)

Vee works as a protagonist because she's a shy character who keeps to herself and doesn't take risks. This is focused on in the opening of the film so that when it's flipped on it's head the audience is shocked. Her brother also died some time ago so she has a strong relationship with her mother. When she decides to take risks on this app the film becomes very exciting. Another thing which makes Vee a good character is that she's an average teenage girl, enabling the audience to relate to her. With the films target audience being teenagers, this works very well. Vee is also a lonely character without much of a love life, so when a potential partner is introduced during the film, the audience become more engaged. Lastly Emma Roberts acts as a kind, intelligent and thoughtful character so the audience build a liking to her and want her to have the best possible outcome in the situations presented to her in the film.

Antagonist - Nerve App (Not a person)

The truth or dare based app 'Nerve' is what the film revolves around, and acts as a good protagonist in the film. Immediately it comes across as slightly strange and shady but relatively fitting in with other websites and apps. As the plot goes on the app takes a dark turn putting the protagonist and other users of the app in danger. It's also uncovered that the app has a shady history and has existed in previous years. Because the antagonist is an app and not a person, it is a lot more powerful and scary as it cannot be 'killed' and its power is unknown. It also adds a level of mysteriousness as it's unknown who or what is behind the app and controlling it. The main thing which makes this
application an effective antagonist however is the realism of it. The idea of an app like this being real is very possible and could have the same dangerous effects, making it all the more scarier.

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