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Friday 12 January 2018

Case Study Blog

Interview Led Documentary

Similar style Interview Led Documentary

When shooting interview led video, I found it easier to plan in terms of pre-production and production. I thought this because you're able to capture the goings on with no main intention and shooting what's best in the moment. During the edit of productions like this the video can be driven by the interview and footage can be overlayed that relates to what's being spoken about.

When watching interview led production I felt that they have a personal and intimate feel, as it feels like the individual related to the video is talking you through it and narrating it in some cases. In the YouTube documentary above used as an example, the intimacy is conveyed by the close ups of the individual, in a similar way to having a conversation with the person. For this reason the viewer may feel more connected with this style of documentary compared to presenter led styles - there's no barrier between the viewer and the subject. The editing of these is usually quite fast paced as they cut intermittently between interview and b-roll, so this is effective in keeping the viewers attention and the tempo of the story high.

Presenter Led Documentary

Similar Style Presenter Led Documentary

Presenter led video is more challenging to shoot than interview led in my opinion. When shooting the documentary on amphibians above, we had to work with the presenter to give them lines and make sure they led the story continually throughout the shoot. It also meant that when filming different scenes we had to consider the presenter and their location in the shot with things such as continuity - which also affected the edit and order of shots.

After watching my presenter led production and comparing it to a similar short from Vice on YouTube, I found that this style of documentary felt more formal and report-like. In my opinion I find this is a more forced feel and not as appealing as something interview led. It doesn't feel like as much of a story as interview led productions and isn't as immersive. Viewers may still feel drawn in by this style of video as the editing is fast paced, although there are sections of explanation from the presenter at points which can change up the pace, slowing it down.

My production approach

I've decided that for my production I'm going to work with Max to create an interview led documentary on the topic of fashion design and streetwear. I chose this style of production because I feel like it's more appropriate for the topic to have someone 'in the know' talking throughout the video rather than a presenter who wont be as informed on the subject. I also find this style more fun to edit and interesting to watch as it gives the viewer a deeper insight into the individuals on screen, similar to having a conversation with them. I chose this topic since clothing and fashion is something close to my heart which is a big part of my everyday life. Furthermore my friend Aiden is a young, up-and-coming fashion designer who designs and manufactures garments independently which is a unique subject to present - and will hopefully draw in an audience. I also plan to include an interview with someone who is a consumer of fashion (more importantly streetwear) to give some contrast to the video and give viewers an idea of what the 'scene' is like.

I want to make sure that this production is of a high standard and watches well, captivating the viewer. To do this I will need to make sure I think quickly during production to capture the best possible shots as they happen, as you can't go for another take when shooting documentaries (as learnt in previous projects!). I will also need to think skilfully during pre-production to plan out effective questions to ask for the interviews and techniques to follow in order to get the best answers. Lastly I'll need to push my editing abilities to cut everything together into a professional looking and smooth running product. During this production I'm likely to face some issues and have to find my way around them, but I know that this and all of the other points I mentioned are going to push me and help me to develop as a producer.

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