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Monday 5 February 2018

Research Project Evaluation

I believe that my research project answers the question and follows the structure that was set out for us. Each new page has a heading which lists one of the criteria we were set to do - these titles are quite large making the project look slightly unprofessional, but other than this I think it's a good way of setting out my essay.

I feel that the throughout this project I explore the question and show a clear understanding from my research. Furthermore I conclude with a good answer to the question which references all of my points made in my research. As far as presentation goes with my project I think that mine was very stylised and bold which made it stand out, however because of this it doesn't look very formal and some of the text is far too large (paragraphs could be written in a much smaller font.) Also I used a range of my own film photos which was a nice touch but I could have included some diagrams or graphs. Nevertheless I hope that the presentation made it enjoyable to read. As far as I know the spelling, punctuation and grammar is spot on in this project with no mistakes.

Looking at the project overall I think that it was nicely laid out and easy to read - making it enjoyable to look at. It also explored the topic effectively and showed a range of different research methods. On the other hand, I could have performed some more research (both primary and secondary) such as another book, analysis of a documentary/film or a survey/focus group. Furthermore I could have tried to make the presentation look more professional and formal dependant on the audience.